You have probably heard the term “paper trail” many times over the years. It originated back in the “old” days before computers were widely used and everything was tracked on paper. The idea of a paper trail was to use paperwork like breadcrumbs. Each one referenced a previous one. In that way, people could track how all sorts of processes progressed over time.

Electronic work order systems provide ways to stay organized and coordinate efforts, regardless of the number of staff members involved or the specific type of recreational location being maintained.

When working in the Parks and Recreation field, there are certain procedures that are absolutely vital in terms of not just keeping properties in good condition but also keeping your agency protected. One of those procedures is regular inspection of systems, equipment and structures. Here are some reasons why inspections are critical, as well as information about how to streamline your inspections processes.

As you know, COVID-19 is having a major impact on almost every industry. Here in the Parks and Recreation field, we are of course included in the list of affected industries and the changes required by it. However, we do have some distinct advantages. For example, much of our maintenance work is often performed in the great outdoors.

You must be diligent as a Parks and Recreation professional. Inspections are essential. Questions you may have include “What do I need to inspect?” and “How can I make the inspection process easier?” Let's answer those and related questions, beginning with some common areas where inspections may be beneficial.

Park maintenance is a multi-tiered industry. There are many steps and phases involved in property care. One of the most advanced aspects of the industry is predictive park maintenance. Predictive park maintenance aims to determine when the functionality of various systems begins to lose efficiency. By identifying issues in their early stages, predictive maintenance can be performed before catastrophic system or equipment failure has the chance to occur.

In the parks and recreation field, a certain amount of reactive maintenance is absolutely required. For example, we must act quickly to repair damages after storms. However, preventive maintenance is also essential. Preventive maintenance is simply the performance of tasks designed to reduce later maintenance requirements and safety issues. But how exactly is preventive maintenance beneficial?

Reactive maintenance is the process of cleaning up damage or repairing equipment or structures after failure has already occurred. For example, as parks and recreation workers, we may have to perform reactive clean up of fallen trees, repair electrical systems or even rebuild entire structures after damage is already done. If staff calls upon the maintenance department for a special event setup, that would also fall under the category of reactive maintenance.