Manage All of your Parks and Recreation Inspections in one location.
Productive Parks makes it easy to create, conduct, and store a variety of inspections for your parks, facilities, vehicles, and equipment.
- Build customized inspections and checklists based on your specific needs.
- Multiple line-item formats to capture the information and images you need.
- Automatically generated work orders alert managers when an unsatisfactory result is reported.
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How Electronic Inspections Improve Efficiency
Staff can complete inspections in the field from any smartphone and supervisors can easily access inspections and related work orders without sifting through three-ring binders and file cabinets.
Scheduled inspections ensure you'll never forget an inspection and inspections are available to download or export anytime.
Ditch the Paper Inspections
Use a web-enabled phone or tablet to perform inspection results onsite. Attach photos or use talk-to-text for more detailed inspection notes. Automatically generated work orders save time and ensure nothing is forgotten.

Build and Schedule the Inspections Your Agency Needs
All inspections are customizable with different line item formats. Create satisfactory or unsatisfactory line items, check boxes, mileages, hours or even embed a more detailed task inside an inspection. Schedule recurring inspections as part of your preventative maintenance plan.
All the Documentation at Your Fingertips
All inspection records—including related work orders—are easily accessible for review. Download inspections to share with risk management or other interested parties.

Ready to make your agency more productive?