Maintenance Management for Parks and Recreation

Automate Work Plans & Inspections, Track Your Assets, Collect Data You Need.

Maintenance Management Software that’s designed and built specifically for parks and recreation agencies.

We offer a competitive feature set and pricing structure you won’t likely find anywhere else.

  • Web based software requires no costly server hardware on your site
  • Lightweight and agile software runs on any internet-enabled desktop, tablet or mobile device
  • Tracks agency data to support better strategic decision-making and meet reporting and budget requirements
  • Track the condition of your assets and be prepared when they need replacement.
  • Competitive pricing - all the features a parks and recreation agency needs without the extra stuff they don’t.

Schedule a demo and we'll show you all of the ways we can help your agency become more productive.

Maintenance Management for Parks and Recreation

Work Orders · Inspections · Asset Tracking · Scheduled Tasks · Reporting & More.

Take Charge of Your Operations and Planning

Productive Parks Seamlessly Links the Field to the Office


Stay on top of daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Schedule your work and receive work requests from staff.
Annual Planning

Set up and track your maintenance plans and monitor the progress. Use historical data to help with budget planning.
Long Term Planning

Create and monitor asset replacement schedules. Use asset load reports to budget and avoid future maintenance debt.

  • Empower your maintenance crew with task and project tracking from creation to completion
  • Track repairs, inventory, seasonal resources, labor and other expenditures with simplified asset management capabilities
  • Effectively manage inspections by enabling your crew and office staff with real-time data
  • Monitor costs and historical data to make more informed decisions going forward
  • Create custom reports to support budget and workforce allotment… and so much more

Productive Parks Features

Track & Report on Labor Hours by Staff, Asset or Category

Receive and Assign Work Orders from Internal and External Staff

Create, Assign, Schedule and Perform Unlimited Inspections

Track Labor, Expenditures & Inventory

Track, Update and Manage Inventory

Create Custom Reports using our Report Engine

Schedule a Demo

Schedule a demo and we'll show you all of the ways we can help your agency become more productive.